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How to Do Kettlebell Swing


You need to start with a basic movement skill called the hip hinge:

Master the Hip Hinge
to begin with it is important that you master the basic hip hinge movement.
The hip hinge is based on one of our fundamental movement patterns and involves bending or creasing at the hips and pushing the hips back.
Once you are familiar with the hip hinge then you can move on to the kettlebell swing

Progress to the Two Handed Kettlebell Swing
Once you are comfortable with the hip hinge movement you can start with the easiest variation of the kettle bell swing, the two handed swing.

Get Your Feet In The Right Place
The feet should be placed at just a little wider than shoulder width apart. Toes should turn outwards at approx. 10 degrees. The toes should track along the same line as the shin and knees preventing unnecessary torque on the knee joint during each swing.
Use Your Hips for Power
Your hips are the engine or powerhouse for the movement. You should crease at the hips with a flat back. Think about actively pushing your hips backwards and then driving them forwards.
Keep Your Back Flat
It is crucial that during your kettle swings you keep your lower back flat. There should be a straight line running from your tail right up to your shoulders, these are all the kettlebell swing muscles of the posterior chain. Keep your chest raised high as if being pulled up by your rib cage.
Activate Those Abs
The core and abdominal muscles are worked hard during the kettlebell swing. Each time you drive your hips forwards your abs should contract to prevent the hips from going past the centre-line.
Don’t Use Your Shoulders
It is important to realise that during the swing the shoulders are used merely as a connection between arms and body. All the power should come from the hips
What’s Your Head Doing?
The head needs to be positioned so that it creates a good alignment at the neck. I will often teach beginners just to focus on the horizon as a lifted chin at the downward part of the kettlebell swing will help to keep the back flat
Use The Correct Grip
During your kettle swings your grip should be relaxed and not too tight. Depending on the width of the kettlebell handle you are using you may be able to hold on with all fingers from both hands, this is the best option.
Get Your Swing Height & Depth Correct
Remember that the kettlebell swing comes from the hips and not the lower back or shoulders.

Use The Right Breathing Pattern
There are two different types of breathing that you can use with your swings depending on the kettlebell weight. When using a light kettlebell you should breathe out during the downward phase and in during the upward phase. This technique works inline with nature stimulating your extensor muscles as you straighten up and forces the air out as you fold forwards

Starting the Kettlebell Swing
There are two schools of thought with regards to starting the swing. First you can pick up the kettlebell and then start the swing momentum by nudging it off your thigh or secondly you can start the swing directly off the floor in front of you. Both methods have their advantages.

Finishing the Kettlebell Swing
So you have started correctly and used perfect form throughout your swings. The last thing you want to do now is hurt yourself by finishing the swing badly.
Don’t attempt to twist your upper body and swing it to the side of your one foot.
During the last kettlebell swing repetition, decelerate its momentum as it swings between your legs and come to a steady stop in front of you, keeping your lower and upper back flat at all times.


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