

Jordan - Amman

المدرسة: Hashimet University
الدرجة العلمية: بكالوريوس
Ahmad Jaafar Maharmah التأهيل الرياضي
Hardworking , swimming coach
الاسمالمنظمةمعرف الاعتمادرابط الاعتماد
Water Rescue Coursec - -
PCR Course - -
Massage Therapist Course - -
Baby swimming instructor level 1 International Water Sports Federation (I.W.S.F) -
العنواننوع الوظيفةاسم الشركةالموقعتاريخ البدءتاريخ الانتهاءقائم على راس عمله
Fitness instructor دوام كامل - Jordan 2023-01-01 No
اسم المهارة
Helping the injured individual to restore and develop muscle and joint flexibility and range of motion for the affected part.
Elimination of the negative rest period resulting from the occurrence of the injury, so the rehabilitation program begins at the earliest stage of treatment.
Re-development and development of the elements of physical fitness in line with the nature of the activity being practiced.
Hard Working
Team Work
Time Management
Microsoft Office

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