

Jordan - Amman

المدرسة: Hashimet University
الدرجة العلمية: بكالوريوس
RUBA MAHMOUD علوم الرياضة
To leverage my passion for fitness and expertise in coaching to empower women of all ages and fitness levels.
الاسمالمنظمةمعرف الاعتمادرابط الاعتماد
NASM Personal Training Course (CPT) MUDARRIB -
العنواننوع الوظيفةاسم الشركةالموقعتاريخ البدءتاريخ الانتهاءقائم على راس عمله
coach دوام كامل Cutler Gym Jordan 2022-01-01 2023-01-01 No
اسم المهارة
Able to effectively work with diverse body types to customize fitness programs and ensure inclusivity.
Tailoring workouts to female physiology and goals.
Empowering women through fitness education and support.
Creating inclusive and supportive training environments.
Proficiency in addressing specific female fitness concerns and needs.

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